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"Dinghy in Storage", Essex Historical Society and Shipbuilding Museum, Essex, Massachusetts - 7173
Essex Historical Society and Shipbuilding Museum, Essex, Massachusetts - 7176
Dinghy Dock, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia -4000
Paths End, Fortune, Newfoundland - 6754
Newfoundland - 6525
Twillingate, Newfoundland - 0000
"Puffin", Elliston, Newfoundland - 6748
"Purple Martin Nesting Gourds". These articial gourds provided a home for 241 new hatchlings this year. Clinton, Connecticut - 7232
"Cape Cod Campers", Cape Cod, Massachusetts - 7200
Winter Hangman's Beach, Nova Scotia - 6229
St Peter's Canal, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia - 5781
For Wicked Tuna Fans - "Fat Tuna", Captain Bob Cook, Gloucester, Massachusetts - 7147